Frequently Asked Questions
When was the Tesla properties llp incorporated?
The Tesla properties llp was incorporated with ROC on 15 December 2010 as .
Where has the Tesla properties llp been incorporated?
The company was incorporated in Ahmedabad with registration number .
What is the E-filing status of the company?
The status of Tesla properties llp is Active.
Number of Key Management personnel of the Tesla properties llp?
The company has 20 key management personnel in the company.
Who are the directors of the Tesla properties llp?
The appointed directors in the company are:
- Jagdish gajanand dalal
- Shaan anand zaveri
- Brijesh krishnakant dave
- Anangbhai ajaybhai lalbhai
- Ashish sureshchandra vyas
- Jayesh kantilal shah
- Anand vipinchandra shah
- Pankaj champaklal shah
- Birenbhai deepakbhai parikh
- Gaurav hasmukh gadhecha
- Ajay vasantbhai mehta
- Mehul rajanikant mehta .
- Jatin gulabrai parekh
- Bina rampuria
- Rushabh suresh mehta
- Chirag jitendrabhai desai
- Deepak harnarayan maheshwary
- Pradipkumar manilal choksi
- Kartikeya birenbhai parikh
- Jignesh dashratbhai gohel