Copy of balance sheet and profit and loss account duly authenticated under section 381(1)-22102021
Copy of latest consolidated financial statement of parent company -22102021
Form FC-4-18052021-signed
Details of directors and key managerial personnel and their remuneration;-13052021
Details of Promoters , Directors and Key managerial personnel and changes therein since close of previous financial year;-13052021
Details of the meeting of the members or class thereof, board and its various committees along with attendance details;-13052021
Particulars of members and debenture holders along with changes therein since the close of previous financial year;-13052021
Form FC-1-08072020-signed
Certified copy of the charter, statutes, or memorandum and articles of the company or other instrument constituting or defining the constitution of the company-23062020
Interest of authorized person(s) in other entities;-23062020
List of directors and secretary of the foreign company;-23062020
Optional Attachment-(1)-23062020
Optional Attachment-(3)-23062020
Optional Attachment-(4)-23062020
Optional Attachment-(5)-23062020
Power of attorney or board resolution in favor of the authorized representative(s);-23062020
Reserve bank of India approval letter-23062020
Optional Attachment-(2)-23062020
Certified copy of the charter, statutes, or memorandum and articles of the company or other instrument constituting or defining the constitution of the company-11062020
List of directors and secretary of the foreign company;-11062020
Optional Attachment-(1)-11062020
Optional Attachment-(2)-11062020
Optional Attachment-(3)-11062020
Optional Attachment-(4)-11062020
Power of attorney or board resolution in favor of the authorized representative(s);-11062020