Proposed is a pattern recognition based control and monitoring system (10) for automated underwriting systems (20 21) or automated data capturing systems or automated data surveillance systems in particular network surveillance systems and a method thereof. The underwriting workflow of the underwriting system (20 21...
Form FC-2-18072016-signed
Optional Attachment-(1)-08072016
Form FC-3-27042016_signed
Copy of balance sheet and profit and loss account duly authenticated under section 381(1)-27042016
Copy of latest consolidated financial statement of parent company -27042016
Form FC-2-231015.PDF
Copy of the Board resolution- if any--231015.PDF
Optional Attachment 1-231015.PDF
Optional Attachment 2-231015.PDF
Form FC-3-300115.OCT
Copy of amended document memorandum-300115.PDF
Copy of the general meeting resolution.-300115.PDF
Form FC-3-160115.OCT
Copy of amended document memorandum-160115.PDF
Copy of the general meeting resolution.-160115.PDF
Form FC-2-050115.PDF
Copy of the Board resolution- if any--050115.PDF
Form FC-3-231214.OCT
Copy of the general meeting resolution.-231214.PDF
Copy of amended document memorandum-231214.PDF
Form FC-3-171214.OCT
Copy of the general meeting resolution.-171214.PDF
Copy of amended document memorandum-171214.PDF
Optional Attachment 4-161214.PDF
AoA - Articles of Association-161214.PDF
Form 67 -Addendum--161214 in respect of Form FC-1-021214.PDF