Trade mark is likely to be removed due to non filing of Renewal request within prescribed time limit In case of any discripancy contact respective TM Registry.
Form 21-130112.PDF
Optional Attachment 1-130112.PDF
Form 21-130112.PDF
Form 21-130112.PDF
Copy of the Court-Company Law Board Order-130112.PDF
Optional Attachment 1-130112.PDF
Optional Attachment 3-130112.PDF
Optional Attachment 2-130112.PDF
Copy of Board Resolution-011110.PDF
Scheme of Arrangement- Amalgamation-011110.PDF
Frm23ACA-131010 for the FY ending on-310310.OCT
FormSchV-131010 for the FY ending on-310310.OCT
Form66-131010 for the FY ending on-310310.OCT
Form23AC-131010 for the FY ending on-310310.OCT
Frm23ACA-170809 for the FY ending on-310309.OCT
FormSchV-170809 for the FY ending on-310309.OCT
Form66-170809 for the FY ending on-310309.OCT
Form23AC-170809 for the FY ending on-310309.OCT
Memorandum of satisfaction of Charge-070709.PDF
Memorandum of satisfaction of Charge-070709.PDF
Memorandum of satisfaction of Charge-160709.PDF
Letter of the charge holder-140709.PDF
Form 67 -Addendum--140709 in respect of Form 17-070709.PDF