Frequently Asked Questions
What is the incorporation date of the Spanco infratel private limited?
Incorporation date of the company is 02 April 2008 .
What is the state of the Spanco infratel private limited incorporation?
The state in which company is incorporated is Mumbai.
What is the Spanco infratel private limited status with MCA?
The company status as per MCA is Strike Off.
What are the number of directors appointed in the Spanco infratel private limited?
Spanco infratel private limited has appointed 7 of directors.
Who are the appointed Directors in Spanco infratel private limited?
The appointed directors in the company are:
- Kapil puri
- Adarsh bhagirath bagaria
- Deepak lal bhagchandaney
- Anilkumar agarwal
- Raghunath dhanaji ramane
- Sunil soma dike
- Pradeep prakash singhal