Frequently Asked Questions
When was the Smart unity healthcare llp incorporated?
The Smart unity healthcare llp was incorporated with ROC on 30 November 2015 as .
What is the E-filing status of the company?
The status of Smart unity healthcare llp is Active.
Number of Key Management personnel of the Smart unity healthcare llp?
The company has 39 key management personnel in the company.
Who are the directors of the Smart unity healthcare llp?
The appointed directors in the company are:
- Uday ashokrao badge
- Chandrasen kashinath kale
- Vinayak kerba shinde
- Dattatraya ramdas gaikwad
- Rajesh kundalik auti
- Swapnali dattatraya gaikwad
- Pradip baban taware
- Pradeepkumar dinanath makan
- Umakant krishnaji wable
- Santosh khushalchand bora
- Rahul kisanrao more
- Ninad nagesh naik
- Ajay tukaram shinde
- Yashwant laxman chincholikar
- Santosh pandurang suryawanshi
- Manisha santosh suryawanshi
- Sohan satish narkhede
- Ashwini sohan narkhede
- Ravindra govindbhai choudhary
- Deepak sripad gore
- Shubhangi ajay patil
- Rajendra shamrao patil
- Prashant girdhar patil
- Yogesh vasant kedar
- Aakash ravindra badgujar
- Ratnaprabha swapnil chaudhari
- Sandip sudam mehetre
- Yogesh muttha
- Pravin giradhar patil
- Santosh bharatrao kadam
- Dattatraya bhagwan kokate
- Nilesh babulal modani
- Vyankatesh bhau joshi
- Sunil ramchandra gorde
- Rajendraprasad shivaprasad lahore
- Sunil namdeo patil
- Sagar chandrakant rane
- Baban changdev dolas
- Vijay dagadu dhole