[Class : 9] Driver Assistance Systems Including Parking, Lane Change, Lane Departure, Warning, Adaptive Cruise Control, Prowsy Driver, Camera/Ir Based Applications Obstacle Detection, Identifecation, Distance Measurement, Night Vision, Control Systems Including Electronic Control Units For Engine Ignition, Body Electronics, Power Train, Power Steering, Instrumentation Elusta...
Trade mark is likely to be removed due to non filing of Renewal request within prescribed time limit In case of any discripancy contact respective TM Registry.
Form 14-211114.OCT
FormSchV-141114 for the FY ending on-310314.OCT
Form DIR-12-071114.OCT
Optional Attachment 3-061114.PDF
Evidence of cessation-061114.PDF
Interest in other entities-061114.PDF
Optional Attachment 1-061114.PDF
Optional Attachment 2-061114.PDF
Form DIR-12-051114.OCT
Declaration of the appointee Director- in Form DIR-2-041114.PDF
Letter of Appointment-041114.PDF
Optional Attachment 1-041114.PDF
Optional Attachment 2-041114.PDF
Optional Attachment 3-041114.PDF
Optional Attachment 4-041114.PDF
Form23AC-281014 for the FY ending on-310314.OCT
Frm23ACA-281014 for the FY ending on-310314.OCT
Form DIR-12-241014.OCT
Letter of Appointment-241014.PDF
Evidence of cessation-241014.PDF
Declaration of the appointee Director- in Form DIR-2-241014.PDF