List of share holders, debenture holders;-19112016
Form MGT-7-19112016_signed
Form INC-28-11112016-signed
Optional Attachment-(1)-10112016
Copy of court order or NCLT or CLB or order by any other competent authority.-10112016
Form CHG-4-10112016_signed
Letter of the charge holder stating that the amount has been satisfied-10112016
Form MGT-6-15062016_signed
Optional Attachment-(2)-15062016
Optional Attachment-(1)-15062016
Optional Attachment-(3)-15062016
Form PAS-3-28042016_signed
Complete record of private placement offers and acceptances in Form PAS-5.-28042016
List of allottees. Attach separate list for each allotment (refer instruction kit for format).If not attached, then it shall be submitted separately in a CD.-28042016
Copy of Board or Shareholders? resolution-28042016
XBRL document in respect of financial statement 29-01-2016 for the financial year ending on 31-03-2015.pdf.PDF
Form AOC-4 XBRL-020216.OCT
Letter of the charge holder-210116.PDF
Form CHG-4-210116.OCT
Memorandum of satisfaction of Charge-210116.PDF
Form PAS-3-200116.OCT
List of allottees-200116.PDF
Resltn passed by the BOD-200116.PDF
Complete record of private placement offers and acceptences-200116.PDF
Resltn passed by the BOD-040116.PDF
Complete record of private placement offers and acceptences-040116.PDF