[Class : 3] Production And Trading Of Phenyl, Acid Which Is Used For The Cleaning Purpose, Washing Powder, Liquid Soap, Detergent Cake, Oil Soap, Toilet Cleaners, Glass Cleaners, Dish Wash Soap
Trade mark is likely to be removed due to non filing of Renewal request within prescribed time limit In case of any discripancy contact respective TM Registry.
Form ADT-3-03052017-signed
Form INC-28-03052017-signed
Copy of court order or NCLT or CLB or order by any other competent authority.-03052017
Resignation letter-02052017
List of share holders, debenture holders;-20112016
Form MGT-7-20112016_signed
Form AOC-4-23102016_signed
Copy of Financial Staements duly authenticated as per section 134 (Including Boards report, auditors report and other documents)-22102016