Company Information

Date of Incorporation
03 December 2010
Listing Status
ROC Kolkata
Sub Category
Non-govt company
Last Balance Sheet
31 March 2016
Last Annual Meeting
30 September 2016
Paid Up Capital
Authorised Capital
Financials All Documents available from MCA @Rs 499/-


Shankar Kumar Mahato
Shankar Kumar Mahato
over 14 years ago
Gopal Sonker
Gopal Sonker
over 14 years ago


Form 23AC-09062017_signed
Copy of balance sheet duly authenticated as per section 215 (including Board's report, auditors' report and other documents)-06062017
Form MGT-7-23032017_signed
Form MGT-7-22032017_signed
Form AOC-4-22032017_signed
List of share holders, debenture holders;-17032017
Directors report as per section 134(3)-17032017
Copy of Financial Staements duly authenticated as per section 134 (Including Boards report, auditors report and other documents)-17032017
Form INC-22-19012017_signed
Proof of Registered Office address(Conveyance/Lease deed/Rent Agreement along with the rent receipts) etc-19012017
Copy of board resolution authorizing giving of notice-19012017
Copies of the utility bills as mentioned above (not older than two months)-19012017
Form INC-22-18012017_signed
Copies of the utility bills as mentioned above (not older than two months)-18012017
Copy of board resolution authorizing giving of notice-18012017
Proof of Registered Office address(Conveyance/Lease deed/Rent Agreement along with the rent receipts) etc-18012017
Form INC-22-040715.OCT
Optional Attachment 1-030715.PDF
FormSchV-271114 for the FY ending on-310314.OCT
Form66-281014 for the FY ending on-310314.OCT
Form MGT-14-140814.OCT
Copy of resolution-070814.PDF
Form23AC-120414 for the FY ending on-310313.OCT
FormSchV-231113 for the FY ending on-310313.OCT
Form66-281013 for the FY ending on-310313.OCT
Form 23B for period 010413 to 310314-081013.OCT
Form23AC-140513 for the FY ending on-310312.OCT
Form 23B for period 010412 to 310313-081012.OCT
FormSchV-261112 for the FY ending on-310312.OCT
Form66-271012 for the FY ending on-310312.OCT