Trade mark is likely to be removed due to non filing of Renewal request within prescribed time limit In case of any discripancy contact respective TM Registry.
Form MSME FORM I-04042021_signed
Form DPT-3-07122020-signed
Form MSME FORM I-23102020_signed
Evidence of cessation;-09102020
Form DIR-12-09102020_signed
Notice of resignation;-09102020
Form DIR-12-25092020_signed
Declaration of the appointee director, Managing director, in Form No. DIR-2;-23092020
Optional Attachment-(1)-23092020
Interest in other entities;-23092020
Declaration of the appointee director, Managing director, in Form No. DIR-2;-27072020
Optional Attachment-(1)-27072020
Form DIR-12-27072020_signed
Form DIR-12-23072020_signed
Optional Attachment-(1)-22072020
Optional Attachment-(2)-22072020
Declaration of the appointee director, Managing director, in Form No. DIR-2;-22072020
Evidence of cessation;-25062020
Form DIR-12-25062020_signed
Optional Attachment-(1)-25062020
Notice of resignation;-25062020
Optional Attachment-(1)-24062020
Form DIR-12-24062020_signed
Evidence of cessation;-24062020
Notice of resignation;-24062020
Form DIR-11-15062020_signed
Notice of resignation filed with the company-12062020