[Class : 11] Apparatus And Installations For Lighting, Heating, Cooling, Steam Generating, Led Bulbs, Led Lights, Battens, Flood Lights, Street Lights, Luminaries, Led Drivers, Led Strip Lights And Accessories
XBRL document in respect of financial statement 15-12-2015 for the financial year ending on 31-03-2015.pdf.PDF
Form MGT-7-171215.OCT
Form AOC-4 XBRL-171215.OCT
Form DIR-12-051115.OCT
Declaration of the appointee Director- in Form DIR-2-041115.PDF
Optional Attachment 1-041115.PDF
Optional Attachment 2-041115.PDF
Optional Attachment 3-041115.PDF
Optional Attachment 3-250715.PDF
Optional Attachment 2-250715.PDF
Optional Attachment 1-250715.PDF
Form GNL-4-270715 in respect of Form MGT-6-100715.PDF
Form MGT-6-100715-110713.PDF
Optional Attachment 3-100715.PDF
Optional Attachment 1-100715.PDF
Declaration by person-100715.PDF
Form DIR-12-030715.OCT
Declaration of the appointee Director- in Form DIR-2-030715.PDF
Optional Attachment 1-030715.PDF
Form INC-22-140515.OCT
Optional Attachment 1-070515.PDF
Form DIR-12-210315.OCT
Evidence of cessation-210315.PDF
Form DIR-12-060115.OCT
Declaration of the appointee Director- in Form DIR-2-060115.PDF