Frequently Asked Questions
When was the Puducherry agro service and industries corporation limited incorporated?
The Puducherry agro service and industries corporation limited was incorporated with ROC on 26 March 1986 as .
Where has the Puducherry agro service and industries corporation limited been incorporated?
The company was incorporated in Pondicherry with registration number 000399.
What is the E-filing status of the company?
The status of Puducherry agro service and industries corporation limited is Active.
Number of Key Management personnel of the Puducherry agro service and industries corporation limited?
The company has 13 key management personnel in the company.
Who are the directors of the Puducherry agro service and industries corporation limited?
The appointed directors in the company are:
- Naini jayaseelan
- Karikalan thangappan
- Johnson .
- Gunasekaran .
- Sathiyaseelan ramasamy
- Ashok anand
- Rajarathinam assokanandan
- Ramamourtia .
- Vasanthakumar sivaperuman
- Ganessin .
- Ramakichenin alias balagandhi
- . sivashanmugam
- Guruswamy ravipragasam