[Class : 6] Iron And Steel, Unwrought Or Semi Wrought; Nonferrous Metals And Their Alloys; Material Of Metal For Welding; Brazing Filler Metals Consisting Mainly Of Metal Powders[Class : 14] Precious Metals[Class : 19] Non Metallic Minerals
Form MGT-7-27082020_signed
List of share holders, debenture holders;-26082020
Form AOC-4(XBRL)-18082020_signed
XBRL financial statements duly authenticated as per section 134 (including Board's report,auditor's report and other documents)-14082020
Form DPT-3-27072020-signed
Form MGT-14-02012020_signed
Copy(s) of resolution(s) along with copy of explanatory statement under section 173-02012020
Optional Attachment-(1)-29082019
List of share holders, debenture holders;-29082019
Form MGT-7-29082019_signed
Declaration of the appointee director, Managing director, in Form No. DIR-2;-26082019
Form DIR-12-26082019_signed
Optional Attachment-(1)-26082019
XBRL financial statements duly authenticated as per section 134 (including Board's report,auditor's report and other documents)-22082019
Form AOC-4(XBRL)-22082019_signed
Form BEN - 2-14082019_signed
Declaration under section 90-14082019
Declaration of the appointee director, Managing director, in Form No. DIR-2;-09052019
Optional Attachment-(2)-09052019
Form DIR-12-09052019_signed
Evidence of cessation;-09052019
Notice of resignation;-09052019
Optional Attachment-(1)-09052019
XBRL financial statements duly authenticated as per section 134 (including Board's report,auditor's report and other documents)-09072018
Form AOC-4(XBRL)-09072018_signed
List of share holders, debenture holders;-30062018
Form MGT-7-30062018_signed
Form MGT-14-24052018_signed
Copy(s) of resolution(s) along with copy of explanatory statement under section 173-24052018