List of allottees. Attach separate list for each allotment (refer instruction kit for format).If not attached, then it shall be submitted separately in a CD.-22042016
Copy of Board or Shareholders? resolution-22042016
Form MGT-7-311215.OCT
Form AOC-4-181215.OCT
Form GNL.2-271114.OCT
FormSchV-151114 for the FY ending on-310314.OCT
Form23AC-271014 for the FY ending on-310314.OCT
Optional Attachment 1-111014.PDF
Form MGT-14-220814.OCT
Optional Attachment 1-150814.PDF
Copy of resolution-150814.PDF
FormSchV-191113 for the FY ending on-310313.OCT
Form 23B for period 010413 to 310314-250913.OCT
Form23AC-191013 for the FY ending on-310313.OCT
Form23AC-031112 for the FY ending on-310312.OCT
FormSchV-061012 for the FY ending on-310312.OCT
Form 23B for period 010412 to 310313-110812.OCT
Form 23B for period 010410 to 310311-041010.OCT
Form 23B for period 010411 to 310312-011011.OCT
Form 2-060612.OCT
Resltn passed by the BOD-230512.PDF
List of allottees-230512.PDF
FormSchV-241111 for the FY ending on-310311.OCT
Form23AC-261011 for the FY ending on-310311.OCT
Self Certification-050511.PDF
Form 67 -Addendum--050511 in respect of Form 2-290411.PDF