Copy of the Court-Company Law Board Order-090213.PDF
Form 32-201212.OCT
Evidence of cessation-031212.PDF
Form 32-110712.OCT
Evidence of cessation-100712.PDF
Copy of Board Resolution-060712.PDF
XBRL document in respect of balance sheet 21-01-2012 for the financial year ending on 31-03-2011.pdf.PDF
XBRL document in respect of profit and loss account 21-01-2012 for the financial year ending on 31-03-2011.pdf.PDF
Form 23AC XBRL-220112-210112 for the FY ending on-310311.OCT
Form 23ACA XBRL-220112-210112 for the FY ending on-310311.OCT
FormSchV-191011 for the FY ending on-310311.OCT
List of past and present members-081111.PDF
Form 23B for period 010411 to 310312-290911.OCT
Form 23-290911.PDF
Copy of resolution-290911.PDF
Copy of the calculation sheet of effective capital as computed under Schedule XIII to the Companies Act- 1956 as per previous year-s audited balance sheet -090411.PDF
Certificate from the Auditor-090411.PDF
Copy of draft agreement-090411.PDF
No default certificate towards repayment of debts -including public deposit or debentures or interest payable thereon- from director or secretary of the company-090411.PDF
Newspaper clippings-090411.PDF
Copy-s- of the resolution of Board of directors-090411.PDF
Copy-s- of resolution of remuneration committee along with its composition-090411.PDF