Frequently Asked Questions
What is the date of Kochi cricket private limited incorporation?
Incorporation date of the company is 28 September 2010 .
Where are the documents of the company based?
The documents of the company are based in Mumbai.
Is the company legitimate or illegitimate company as per ROC data?
The company status as per MCA is Active.
What is the Number of directors in the company board?
Number of directors in the company board are 15.
Kochi cricket private limited has appointed how many directors?
The appointed directors in the company are:
- Chintan nitin vora
- Mehul jadavji shah
- Sanjay damji shah
- Hemang shah
- Mukeshbhai balabhai patel
- Ranjanben mukeshbhai patel
- Dhaval dilipbhai shah
- Vipul dilip shah
- Saket sudhir mehta
- Shailendra kisan gaikwad
- Usha atul shah
- Sanjay shivratan dalmia
- Harshad ramniklal mehta
- Vivek venugopal
- Vivek sunil mehta