Company Information

Date of Incorporation
07 June 1989
Listing Status
ROC Mumbai
Sub Category
Non-govt company
Last Balance Sheet
31 March 2013
Last Annual Meeting
30 September 2013
Paid Up Capital
Authorised Capital
Financials All Documents available from MCA @Rs 499/-


Raju Mohan Gurnani
Raju Mohan Gurnani
Director/Designated Partner
over 1 year ago
Priyaa Mohan Gurnani
Priyaa Mohan Gurnani
Director/Designated Partner
about 2 years ago
Mohanlal Thakurdas Gurnani
Mohanlal Thakurdas Gurnani
Director/Designated Partner
about 2 years ago
Preeti Mohan Gurnani
Preeti Mohan Gurnani
almost 16 years ago
Dharmendra Valji Karia
Dharmendra Valji Karia
over 30 years ago


XBRL document in respect of balance sheet 05-12-2013 for the financial year ending on 31-03-2013.pdf.PDF
Form INC-28-110614.PDF
Optional Attachment 2-110614.PDF
Optional Attachment 1-110614.PDF
Copy of the Court-Company Law Board Order-110614.PDF
Form 23AC XBRL-061213-051213 for the FY ending on-310313.OCT
FormSchV-031213 for the FY ending on-310313.OCT
Form66-031213 for the FY ending on-310313.OCT
Scheme of Arrangement- Amalgamation-071113.PDF
Optional Attachment 1-071113.PDF
Copy of Board Resolution-071113.PDF
Form 18-260713.OCT
XBRL document in respect of balance sheet 13-02-2013 for the financial year ending on 31-03-2012.pdf.PDF
Form 23AC XBRL-260213-130213 for the FY ending on-310312.OCT
FormSchV-130213 for the FY ending on-310312.OCT
Form 23B for period 010412 to 310313-051012.OCT
Form66-141212 for the FY ending on-310311.OCT
Form66-291012 for the FY ending on-310312.OCT
Form 23AC XBRL-060912-050912 for the FY ending on-310311.OCT
XBRL document in respect of balance sheet 05-09-2012 for the financial year ending on 31-03-2011.pdf.PDF
Form 23B for period 010411 to 310312-141011.OCT
FormSchV-141111 for the FY ending on-310311.OCT
Form66-270111 for the FY ending on-310310.OCT
FormSchV-041210 for the FY ending on-310310.OCT
Form23AC-021210 for the FY ending on-310310.OCT
FormSchV-050110 for the FY ending on-310309.OCT
Form23AC-251209 for the FY ending on-310309.OCT
Form66-161209 for the FY ending on-310309.OCT
Form 66-010609.OCT
Form23AC-270509 for the FY ending on-310307.OCT