Trade mark is likely to be removed due to non filing of Renewal request within prescribed time limit In case of any discripancy contact respective TM Registry.
44 Crore
11 March 2002
Stressed Assets Stabilisation Fund
4 Crore
28 March 2001
Industrial Development Bank Of India
4 Crore
16 January 2001
Development Credit Bank Limited
83 Lak
16 June 2000
Asrec (india) Limited
13 Lak
20 October 1999
Asrec (india) Limited
50 Lak
05 April 1999
Industrial Development Bank Of India
12 Crore
05 April 1999
Icici Bank Ltd.
6 Crore
04 March 1998
Icici Bank Ltd.
12 Crore
18 February 1994
Unit Trust Of India
2 Crore
Certificate of Registration for Modification of Mortgage-030815.PDF
Certificate of Registration for Modification of Mortgage-030815.PDF
Certificate of Registration for Modification of Mortgage-030815.PDF
Instrument of creation or modification of charge-030815.PDF
Form CHG-1-030815-270315.PDF
List of past and present members-030815.PDF
Form 23B for period 010413 to 310314-250913.OCT
Form 23B for period 010412 to 310313-290912.OCT
Investor Complaint Form-100212.PDF
Form 23B for period 010411 to 310312-260911.OCT
Investor Complaint Form-290711.PDF
Form 62-300611.PDF
Optional Attachment 1-300611.PDF
Frm23ACA-281010 for the FY ending on-310310-Revised-1.OCT
FormSchV-281010 for the FY ending on-310310.OCT
Form23AC-281010 for the FY ending on-310310-Revised-1.OCT
Form23AC-251010 for the FY ending on-310310.OCT
Frm23ACA-251010 for the FY ending on-310310.OCT
Form 23B-211010.OCT
Optional Attachment 1-061010.PDF
Form 32-061010-100910.PDF
Form 62-300610.PDF
Optional Attachment 1-300610.PDF
Form 23B-231209.OCT
Copy-s- of resolution of shareholder-s--081009.PDF
Copy-s- of the resolution of Board of directors-081009.PDF