Company Information

Date of Incorporation
26 August 2014
Listing Status
ROC Pune
Sub Category
Last Balance Sheet
Last Annual Meeting
Paid Up Capital
Authorised Capital
Financials All Documents available from MCA @Rs 499/-


Saroja Mukesh Kalmadi
Saroja Mukesh Kalmadi
Designated Partner
over 10 years ago
Meera Suresh Kalmadi
Meera Suresh Kalmadi
Designated Partner
over 10 years ago
Malathi Shridhar Kalmadi
Malathi Shridhar Kalmadi
Director/Designated Partner
over 10 years ago


LLP Form8-15122020_signed
Disclosures under Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006-15122020
LLP Form11-02062020_signed
Detail of LLP(s) and/ or company(s) in which partner/ designated partner is a director/partner-27052020
LLP Form8-24112019_signed
Disclosures under Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006-07102019
LLP Form11-21052019_signed
Detail of LLP(s) and/ or company(s) in which partner/ designated partner is a director/partner-21052019
LLP Form8-01112018_signed
Disclosures under Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006-27102018
LLP Form11-19052018_signed
Detail of LLP(s) and/ or company(s) in which partner/ designated partner is a director/partner-16052018
LLP Form8-30102017_signed
Disclosures under Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006-28102017
LLP Form11-22052017_signed
Detail of LLP(s) and/ or company(s) in which partner/ designated partner is a director/partner-22052017
LLP Form8-21102016_signed
Disclosures under Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006-21102016
LLP Form11-23052016_signed
Detail of LLP(s) and/ or company(s) in which partner/ designated partner is a director/partner-23052016
LLP Form8-27102015_signed
Disclosures under Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006-21102015
LLP Form11-290515.sig
Subscribers- Sheet including consent-260814.PDF
Proof of address of registered office of LLP-260814.PDF
LLP Form2-260814.PDF
Details of LLP and- or company in which partner-designated partner is a director-partner-260814.PDF
Certificate of LLP Incorporation-260814.PDF