[Class : 41] Entertainment, Education; Providing Of Training; Health Club Services, Sporting And Cultural Activities, Organizing Shows And Exhibitions For Educational Or Entertainment Purposes, Film Production (Other Than Ad Films)
Renewal of trademark is overdue. Renewal with Restoration request in prescribed form is to be filed by the applicant.
Form DPT-3-08122020-signed
List of share holders, debenture holders;-12122019
Form MGT-7-12122019_signed
Form AOC-4-28112019_signed
Optional Attachment-(1)-27112019
Directors report as per section 134(3)-27112019
Copy of Financial Staements duly authenticated as per section 134 (Including Boards report, auditors report and other documents)-27112019
Form DPT-3-27062019
Form DPT-3-26062019
List of share holders, debenture holders;-26112018
Form MGT-7-26112018_signed
Optional Attachment-(1)-24102018
Optional Attachment-(2)-24102018
Directors report as per section 134(3)-24102018
Copy of Financial Staements duly authenticated as per section 134 (Including Boards report, auditors report and other documents)-24102018
Form AOC-4-24102018_signed
Optional Attachment-(1)-23112017
List of share holders, debenture holders;-23112017
Copy of Financial Staements duly authenticated as per section 134 (Including Boards report, auditors report and other documents)-23112017
Directors report as per section 134(3)-23112017
Form AOC-4-23112017_signed
Form MGT-7-23112017_signed
Optional Attachment-(1)-16112016
List of share holders, debenture holders;-16112016
Copy of Financial Staements duly authenticated as per section 134 (Including Boards report, auditors report and other documents)-16112016