[Class : 43] Hotels, Motels, Resorts, Provision Of Conference, Exhibition And Meeting Facilities, Banquet Halls, Restaurants, Bar, Lodging, Boarding, Indoor And Out Door Catering, Food Catering Services, Snack Bars, Take Away Food Outlets, Cafes, Cafeterias, Ice Cream Parlour, Beer Bar And Pubs, Canteens; Being Included In Class 43
Renewal of trademark is due. Renewal request in prescribed form is to be filed by the applicant.
Form MGT-7-06012021_signed
Form MSME FORM I-29122020_signed
XBRL financial statements duly authenticated as per section 134 (including Board's report,auditor's report and other documents)-29122020
Form AOC-4(XBRL)-29122020_signed
Copy of MGT-8-28122020
List of share holders, debenture holders;-28122020
Form MGT-14-13102020_signed
Copy of agreement-13102020
Copy(s) of resolution(s) along with copy of explanatory statement under section 173-13102020
Form DIR-12-13102020_signed
Optional Attachment-(2)-13102020
Optional Attachment-(1)-13102020
Optional Attachment-(1)-09102020
Notice of resignation;-09102020
Evidence of cessation;-09102020
Form DIR-12-04102020_signed
Optional Attachment-(1)-29092020
Declaration of the appointee director, Managing director, in Form No. DIR-2;-29092020
Optional Attachment-(3)-29092020
Optional Attachment-(2)-29092020
Optional Attachment-(1)-11092020
Interest in other entities;-11092020
Form DIR-12-11092020_signed
Declaration of the appointee director, Managing director, in Form No. DIR-2;-11092020