Instrument(s) of creation or modification of charge;-09102020
Form CHG-1-09102020_signed
Form DIR-11-14092020_signed
Notice of resignation filed with the company-12092020
Notice of resignation;-12092020
Form DIR-11-12092020_signed
Optional Attachment-(2)-12092020
Optional Attachment-(1)-12092020
Form DIR-12-12092020_signed
Evidence of cessation;-12092020
Proof of dispatch-12092020
Acknowledgement received from company-12092020
Declaration of the appointee director, Managing director, in Form No. DIR-2;-12092020
Declaration by first director-12092020
Proof of dispatch-11092020
Optional Attachment-(2)-11092020
Optional Attachment-(1)-11092020
Notice of resignation;-11092020
Notice of resignation filed with the company-11092020
Form DIR-12-11092020_signed
Evidence of cessation;-11092020
Acknowledgement received from company-11092020
Form DPT-3-25072020-signed
Form CHG-1-21072020_signed
Optional Attachment-(1)-21072020
Instrument(s) evidencing creation or modification of charge in case of acquisition of property which is already subject to charge together with the instrument evidencing such acquisitions;-21072020
Instrument(s) of creation or modification of charge;-21072020