[Class : 38] Communication, Broadcasting, Included In Class 38
Trade mark is likely to be removed due to non filing of Renewal request within prescribed time limit In case of any discripancy contact respective TM Registry.
[Class : 16] Paper And Paper Articles, Cardboard And Cardboard Articles, Books, Photographs, Albums, Publicity Materials, Artists Material, Advertisement Sheets (Printed Matter), Periodicals, Brochures, Pamphlets, Publications, Literature, Included In Class 16
Trade mark is likely to be removed due to non filing of Renewal request within prescribed time limit In case of any discripancy contact respective TM Registry.
[Class : 35] Business Management Of Performing Artists, Including Advertising, Distribution, Marketing Services Relating To Cinematographic Films, Audio/Video Cassettes, Cds, Video Screens Included In Class 3
Trade mark is likely to be removed due to non filing of Renewal request within prescribed time limit In case of any discripancy contact respective TM Registry.
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Form 21-220513.PDF
Optional Attachment 1-220513.PDF
Copy of the Court-Company Law Board Order-220513.PDF
Optional Attachment 1-301112.PDF
Form 67 -Addendum--301112 in respect of Form 21-181012.PDF
Form 32-161112.OCT
Evidence of cessation-071112.PDF
Form 32-311012.OCT
Form 21-181012.PDF
Copy of the Court-Company Law Board Order-181012.PDF
Optional Attachment 3-181012.PDF
Optional Attachment 1-181012.PDF
Optional Attachment 2-181012.PDF
Form 23B for period 010411 to 310312-300911.OCT
Copy of Board Resolution-060712.PDF
Scheme of Arrangement- Amalgamation-060712.PDF
Form 32-310512.OCT
FormSchV-260412 for the FY ending on-310311-Revised-1.OCT
FormSchV-260412 for the FY ending on-310310-Revised-1.OCT
Form 2-150312.OCT
Form 23-140312.PDF
Optional Attachment 1-140312.PDF
Copy of resolution-140312.PDF
Resltn passed by the BOD-140312.PDF
List of allottees-140312.PDF
Form 23-100112.PDF
Optional Attachment 1-100112.PDF
Copy of resolution-100112.PDF
Form 23-100112.PDF
Certificate of Registration of the Special Resolution Confirming Alteration of Object Clause-s--191211.PDF