[Class : 4] Industrial Oils, And Greases, Lubricants, Dust Absorptions, Wetting And Binding Composition, Fuels (Including Motor Spirit) And Illuminants, All Types Of Bio Fuels/ Green Fuels/ Biodesiel And Other Kinds Of Fuels Including But Not Limited To Naptha, Natural Gases, Compressed Natural Gases, Liquefied Natural Gases Associated Gaseous Substances, Coal Bed Methane In...
Trade mark is likely to be removed due to non filing of Renewal request within prescribed time limit In case of any discripancy contact respective TM Registry.
XBRL financial statements duly authenticated as per section 134 (including Board's report,auditor's report and other documents)-01052018
Form AOC-4(XBRL)-01052018_signed
Form MGT-7-21032018_signed
List of share holders, debenture holders;-20032018
Form DIR-11-28012017_signed
Notice of resignation filed with the company-23012017
Proof of dispatch-23012017
Optional Attachment-(1)-17012017
Notice of resignation;-17012017
Evidence of cessation;-17012017
Form DIR-12-17012017_signed
Acknowledgement received from company-13012017
Notice of resignation filed with the company-13012017
Form DIR-11-13012017_signed
Proof of dispatch-13012017
Optional Attachment-(1)-13122016
Declaration of the appointee director, Managing director, in Form No. DIR-2;-13122016
Optional Attachment-(3)-13122016
Letter of appointment;-13122016
Form DIR-12-13122016_signed
Interest in other entities;-13122016
Optional Attachment-(2)-13122016
XBRL document in respect of profit and loss account 09-03-2015 for the financial year ending on 31-03-2014.pdf.PDF
XBRL document in respect of balance sheet 09-03-2015 for the financial year ending on 31-03-2014.pdf.PDF
Form 23ACA XBRL-170315-090315 for the FY ending on-310314.OCT
Form 23AC XBRL-170315-090315 for the FY ending on-310314.OCT
Form66-270215 for the FY ending on-310314.OCT
FormSchV-270215 for the FY ending on-310314.OCT
Form 23ACA XBRL-081213-071213 for the FY ending on-310313.OCT
Form 23AC XBRL-081213-071213 for the FY ending on-310313.OCT