[Class : 45] Registration Of Domain Name For Identification Of Global Users On Global Computer Network.
04 January 2023
Yes Bank Limited
04 January 2023
Yes Bank Limited
04 January 2023
Yes Bank Limited
Form PAS-3-06102020_signed
List of allottees. Attach separate list for each allotment (refer instruction kit for format).If not attached, then it shall be submitted separately in a CD.-06102020
Optional Attachment-(1)-06102020
Copy of Board or Shareholders? resolution-06102020
Complete record of private placement offers and acceptances in Form PAS-5.-06102020
Form PAS-3-04042020_signed
List of allottees. Attach separate list for each allotment (refer instruction kit for format).If not attached, then it shall be submitted separately in a CD.-04042020
Complete record of private placement offers and acceptances in Form PAS-5.-04042020
Copy of Board or Shareholders? resolution-04042020
Valuation Report from the valuer, if any;-04042020
Form GNL-2-09032020-signed
Form MGT-14-29022020-signed
Copy of prospectus or information memorandum or private placement offer letter or record of private placement offer letter to be kept by the company-05022020
Optional Attachment-(5)-05022020
Optional Attachment-(4)-05022020
Optional Attachment-(3)-05022020
Optional Attachment-(2)-05022020
Optional Attachment-(1)-05022020
Optional Attachment-(3)-04022020
Optional Attachment-(1)-04022020
Optional Attachment-(2)-04022020
Optional Attachment-(4)-04022020
Copy(s) of resolution(s) along with copy of explanatory statement under section 173-04022020
Form AOC-4(XBRL)-10122019_signed
Form MGT-7-10122019_signed
Optional Attachment-(1)-27112019
List of share holders, debenture holders;-27112019
Copy of MGT-8-27112019
XBRL financial statements duly authenticated as per section 134 (including Board's report,auditor's report and other documents)-27112019