Copy of Board or Shareholders? resolution-23062016
List of allottees. Attach separate list for each allotment (refer instruction kit for format).If not attached, then it shall be submitted separately in a CD.-23062016
Notice of resignation;-23062016
Letter of appointment;-23062016
Form DIR-12-23062016_signed
Evidence of cessation;-23062016
Declaration of the appointee director, Managing director, in Form No. DIR-2;-23062016
Form AOC-4-300116.OCT
Form MGT-7-260116.OCT
Acknowledgement of Stamp Duty MoA payment-080714.PDF
Acknowledgement of Stamp Duty AoA payment-080714.PDF
Certificate of Incorporation-080714.PDF
Certificate of Incorporation-080714.PDF
Annexure of subscribers-190614.PDF
AoA - Articles of Association-190614.PDF
Declaration by the first director-190614.PDF
Declaration of the appointee Director- in Form DIR-2-190614.PDF