Copy of Board or Shareholders? resolution-28062016
List of allottees. Attach separate list for each allotment (refer instruction kit for format).If not attached, then it shall be submitted separately in a CD.-28062016
Letter of the charge holder stating that the amount has been satisfied-28062016
Form CHG-4-28062016_signed
Form MGT-7-010216.OCT
Form AOC-4-310116.OCT
Form DIR-12-300515.OCT
Form DIR-12-290515.OCT
Declaration of the appointee Director- in Form DIR-2-290515.PDF
Evidence of cessation-290515.PDF
Optional Attachment 1-290515.PDF
Form DIR-12-190914.OCT
FormSchV-060914 for the FY ending on-310314.OCT
Form23AC-070814 for the FY ending on-310314.OCT
Form CHG-1-070814.OCT
Certificate of Registration of Mortgage-020814.PDF
Instrument of creation or modification of charge-020814.PDF
Certificate of Registration of Mortgage-020814.PDF
Certificate of Registration of Mortgage-020814.PDF
Form 18-050214.OCT
Optional Attachment 2-050214.PDF
Optional Attachment 1-050214.PDF
Form 23B for period 080513 to 310314-140813.OCT
Form 32-040713.OCT
Optional Attachment 1-030713.PDF
Acknowledgement of Stamp Duty MoA payment-080513.PDF
Acknowledgement of Stamp Duty AoA payment-080513.PDF