Trade mark is likely to be removed due to non filing of Renewal request within prescribed time limit In case of any discripancy contact respective TM Registry.
Form ADT-3-25012019_signed
Resignation letter-25012019
Proof of dispatch-25072018
Notice of resignation;-25072018
Notice of resignation filed with the company-25072018
Form DIR-12-25072018_signed
Evidence of cessation;-25072018
Declaration by first director-25072018
Acknowledgement received from company-25072018
Form DIR-11-25072018_signed
Form DIR-12-17102017-signed
Optional Attachment-(5)-16102017
Optional Attachment-(4)-16102017
Optional Attachment-(3)-16102017
Optional Attachment-(2)-16102017
Optional Attachment-(1)-16102017
Evidence of cessation;-16102017
Optional Attachment-(3)-09092017
Optional Attachment-(2)-09092017
Optional Attachment-(1)-09092017
Evidence of cessation;-09092017
Optional Attachment-(4)-09092017
Optional Attachment-(3)-07092017
Optional Attachment-(1)-07092017
Copy(s) of resolution(s) along with copy of explanatory statement under section 173-07092017