Notice of resignation filed with the company-14112018
Proof of dispatch-14112018
Proof of dispatch-05102018
Notice of resignation filed with the company-05102018
Form DIR-11-05102018_signed
Notice of resignation filed with the company-14052018
Proof of dispatch-14052018
Form DIR-11-14052018_signed
Acknowledgement received from company-06042018
Form DIR-11-06042018_signed
Proof of dispatch-06042018
Notice of resignation filed with the company-06042018
Evidence of cessation;-02042018
Form DIR-12-02042018_signed
Notice of resignation;-02042018
Form CHG-4-04012018_signed
Letter of the charge holder stating that the amount has been satisfied-03012018
Form PAS-3-14062017_signed
List of allottees. Attach separate list for each allotment (refer instruction kit for format).If not attached, then it shall be submitted separately in a CD.-13062017
Copy of contract where shares have been allotted for consideration other than cash or attachment wherein the details of contract reduced in writing by the company , if any;-13062017
Complete record of private placement offers and acceptances in Form PAS-5.-13062017
Copy of Board or Shareholders? resolution-13062017
Valuation Report from the valuer, if any;-13062017
Form INC-28-15052017-signed
Optional Attachment-(1)-01052017
Copy of court order or NCLT or CLB or order by any other competent authority.-01052017
Form MR-1-27032017-signed
Copy of letter of consent to act as Managing Director/ Whole time Director/Manager ; -20032017