The Hongkong And Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
44 Crore
13 June 2014
The Hongkong And Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
13 June 2014
The Hongkong And Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
Form DPT-3-04112019-signed
Form INC-28-26072019-signed
Copy of court order or NCLT or CLB or order by any other competent authority.-15072019
Optional Attachment-(3)-15072019
Optional Attachment-(2)-15072019
Optional Attachment-(1)-15072019
Optional Attachment-(1)-11072019
Form DIR-12-11072019_signed
Evidence of cessation;-11072019
Form MSME FORM I-08062019_signed
Form MGT-14-19122018_signed
Copy(s) of resolution(s) along with copy of explanatory statement under section 173-19122018
Optional Attachment-(2)-19122018
Optional Attachment-(1)-19122018
List of share holders, debenture holders;-17122018
Copy of MGT-8-17122018
Form MGT-7-17122018_signed
Form AOC-4(XBRL)-14112018-signed
XBRL financial statements duly authenticated as per section 134 (including Board's report,auditor's report and other documents)-27102018
Form MGT-14-11052018_signed
Copy(s) of resolution(s) along with copy of explanatory statement under section 173-11052018
Form MGT-14-20112017_signed
Form PAS-3-20112017_signed
Copy of Board or Shareholders? resolution-20112017
Copy(s) of resolution(s) along with copy of explanatory statement under section 173-20112017
List of allottees. Attach separate list for each allotment (refer instruction kit for format).If not attached, then it shall be submitted separately in a CD.-20112017
Optional Attachment-(1)-20112017
Letter of the charge holder stating that the amount has been satisfied-14112017