Company Information

Date of Incorporation
17 November 2005
Listing Status
ROC Delhi
Sub Category
Non-govt company
Last Balance Sheet
31 March 2014
Last Annual Meeting
29 September 2014
Paid Up Capital
Authorised Capital
Financials All Documents available from MCA @Rs 499/-


Mangesh Manohar Dalvi
Mangesh Manohar Dalvi
Director/Designated Partner
over 9 years ago
Nikhil Champaklal Morsawala
Nikhil Champaklal Morsawala
Director/Designated Partner
almost 18 years ago
Sanjay Minocha
Sanjay Minocha
Director/Designated Partner
over 19 years ago

Past Directors

Sanjeev Gandhavraj Mansotra
Sanjeev Gandhavraj Mansotra
almost 18 years ago
Savita Saluja
Savita Saluja
over 19 years ago


Declaration of the appointee director, Managing director, in Form No. DIR-2;-06102016
Evidence of cessation;-06102016
Form DIR-12-06102016_signed
Interest in other entities;-06102016
Letter of appointment;-06102016
Notice of resignation;-06102016
Optional Attachment-(2)-06102016
Optional Attachment-(3)-06102016
Form DIR-11-07092016_signed
Notice of resignation filed with the company-07092016
Proof of dispatch-07092016
Acknowledgement received from company-07092016
FormSchV-281114 for the FY ending on-310314.OCT
Form66-271114 for the FY ending on-310314.OCT
Form 23B for period 010413 to 310314-130114.OCT
Form DIR-11-151014.OCT
FormSchV-130214 for the FY ending on-310313.OCT
XBRL document in respect of balance sheet 12-02-2014 for the financial year ending on 31-03-2013.pdf.PDF
Form 23AC XBRL-130214-120214 for the FY ending on-310313.OCT
Form66-110214 for the FY ending on-310313.OCT
Form 23B for period 010413 to 310314-021113.OCT
FormSchV-191212 for the FY ending on-310312.OCT
XBRL document in respect of balance sheet 07-12-2012 for the financial year ending on 31-03-2012.pdf.PDF
Form 23AC XBRL-151212-071212 for the FY ending on-310312.OCT
Form66-241012 for the FY ending on-310312.OCT
Form 23B for period 010411 to 310312-260912.OCT
Form 18-210312.OCT
Optional Attachment 1-200312.PDF
FormSchV-070312 for the FY ending on-310311.OCT